
Year of Publication

Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice of the new Deputy President of the Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Explanation of appointment representative of workers in the Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the election of employee representatives in the Supervisory Board of the Company
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice of the resignation of the Vice-President and not-prolonging mandate of the Member of the Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice of change of business address of the Company
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the held meetings of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the appointment of the new president of the Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the conclusion of the transaction for the merger with Integrator Holding doo
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the held meetings of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice about the new M Plus Group website
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice of Contract Conclusion Regarding the Acqusition of the Shares of Integrator Holding d.o.o
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the Held Meetings of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the Meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice of Change of Brand Name of M+ Group
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the Held Meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on Final Terms of the Sust-nability-Linked Bonds Issue
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Correction of the Notice on Final Terms of the Sust-nability-Linked Bonds Issue
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - M+ Group Issued the First Croatian Sust-nability-Linked Bonds
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the Meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Bonds Subscription Invitation to Subscribe the Sust-nability-Linked Bonds
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on Publishing the Presentation for Investors and Holding Meetings with Investors
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the Approval and Publication of the Simplified Prospectus
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on Publication of the Sust-nability-Linked Bond Framework Together with Second-Party Opinion
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on consideration of the issuance and listing of Sust-nability-Linked Bonds
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the held meetings of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the held meetings of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice of entering into an Agreement by subsidiary M Plus Croatia d.o.o. for g-ning ownership in company Invitel GmbH
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on received notifications of changes in voting rights
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Significant organic and profitability growth in the first nine months
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the held meetings of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Information on completion of the corporate action of share capital increase
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on the held meetings of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Information on the change of the number of share…
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice of the new success of the M+ Group
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Information on the successully public offer of the new shares
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Announcement of the meetings of the Management and Supervisory Board
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Notice on holding meeting for Investors and interested financial analysts
Meritus ulaganja d.d. - Public call to investors for subscription of new shares of the Company
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